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DIY Animal Lotto for Very Young Toddelers

Including free printables

Lotto is a great way of teaching your child taking turns, among other cognitive benefits of matching games..

I created this animal lotto  for my 22 years old son. I looked for large and clear images, in which you can see the animals faces. I placed only four images in each board. He really enjoyed this game at that time. And it was great way of teaching him taking turns . Each one of of the players has one board, and all the cards needs to lay with their face down   between the players. Each one of the players has his turn to turn over a card, to show it to the other player and to match it to his board or give it to the other player so he could match it by himself.

You can find the free printable below.

You need to print it twice. One copy will serve as the board. ad the other, you need to cut to cards.

You can past the board and the cards on a cardboard, or laminate them as i did.


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