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How I make my kids eat Homemade natural yogurt

Homemade yogurt is known to be better than the commercial one from several reasons among those:

  1. It can be fermented for long enough – so there are more beneficial bacteria in it, less lactose and less casein.

  2. You can choose the quality of the milk – organic goat ect. .

However, it has a much sour taste comparing to the commercial one (especially if they are for kids). So, here you can find some ideas how to make your child to eat the homemade yogurt:

  1. Mix it - Mix it with mashed fruit or naturally homemade orange juice. They can squeeze the oranges themselves directly to the yogurt and see how it changes its color.

  2. Add it Add some chopped banana or berries to it.

  3. Make it a dip for pieces of fruits (such as apples or pears) or vegetables (such as cucumbers or sweet paper)

  4. Sour it (even more...) - I add some chopped olives (without the seed of course) to the yogurt. My 2.5 boy loves it like this.

  5. Dress it - Make it as a dressing salad – My daughter used to love to add some yogurt and olive oil to her salad (now she prefer to dip her vegetables slices in the yogurt).

  6. Smooth it - Add it to a smoothie instead of milk or other liquid.

  7. Experience it With them - Let them participate in the process. Or at list show them the process.  Experience the magic of how the milk become a yogurt and the thickening process with them.

  8. Adjust to it - This is an advice that I've read from Dr. Sonnenburg , a microbiologist from Stanford university  in "parents" website -In order to make her girls to get used to the sour taste of the natural yogurt, she added a teaspoon of natural maple syrup, and gradually reduced  the amount of the maple syrup over a number of weeks.

  9.  -Style it - Use your imagination here. I use nice mini jars with nice straws, and i serve them with breakfast or dinner. The kids love the jars and like to pick up their own straws. 



To learn more about you family nutrition and recent science and research related to the microbiome read the book she wrote with her husband, Dr. Justin Sonnenburg "The good gut"     


Good luck!

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